Sunday, September 28, 2008

Where's Waldo - Knight Rider Parts Edition

A few updates - yesterday was a busy day for me (most Saturdays are) in terms of working on FutureKITT. First, a side project, somewhat related to KITT - currently, my 15 inch turbocast rims and caps are on my 1984 stock Trans Am. I have a set of 14's, but in my opinion, they are too small for the wheel openings (and series inaccurate). So I found a set of 15 inch 1984 turbine rims (the ones that look like the turbocasts, but without the hubcaps) at a junkyard for $30 for the set! I sandblasted them and then painted them the same gold color that I used as an accent on my 84 T/A. Once I get tires mounted, these will replace the turbocasts on my stock T/A:

I went to my garage attic the other day and realized just how many KITT and Trans Am parts I have accumulated over the years. See if you can spot the parts!

And, finally, last but not least, I finished priming the car. Behold it's light pink primerness!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was looking through your blog and noticed your gold Turbine rims you're planning to put on your stock T/A. I have the same rims, and wanted to show you...if you're going authentic bone stock, you need to strip the gold off the lip of the rim. Mine are bone stock, and they're Turbine Rims. Shoot me an e-mail at and I can show you a pic! I also have a few other questions re: decals and such.

Your KITT, on the other hand, looks GREAT! Nice work! (Can I have your old steering wheel and console lid?! LOL!)